My goal is to keep helping people as best I can, without any regard for their financial resources and offer free help. There are several tiers of help that I can offer. This is structured in such a way to minimize (or eliminate) cost to you.
Divorce Coaches can operate like a mediator between the two parties if both sides welcome the opportunity. I’m also happy to work with just one party in absence of mutual agreement, in which case my focus shifts from finding middle ground for the benefit of both parties and any children, to that of the one party and their child.
There is only marginal case law that suggests you could try to recoup costs incurred by utilizing a Divorce Coach, nothing that directly says a Divorce Coach Costs line item on a Bill Of Costs should be accepted : J.E.D.H. v M.I.K, 2023 BCSC 648 (CanLII), at para 22.
The No Cost Whatsoever Client
I can offer you all the help you need subject to my availability and paid client workload, discussing what I’ve seen as being the best approach for arguments and ways to avoid conflict and the common pitfalls. I have experience in the "the system" as well as professional experience in other areas of law (generally corporate litigation, etc.). I however won’t be able to read any of your materials or be able to offer edits on your material; that type of work would require one of the following client arrangements instead.
This is general experienced based information with priority going first to paid Services.
On all three of the following paid client offerings, I am spending the extra time helping you create your own filings instead of the expedient path of just doing it for you. It may be a lot of back and forth, but this approach enables you to take control of your own file and understand what’s going on and be responsible for its progress. To get a proper understanding of your file, it needs to be read in its entirety
Except for the A La Carte pricing below, the client services do not include my authoring your documents from scratch for review (by counsel), that's hourly A La Cart. But it does include rewording of some elements and notes/feedback. Why is it done this way? It would be easy to eat up your costs by doing the work for you; but this is getting you comfortable with taking control and authoring your own materials so you can be self reliant and independent. That is what will save you costs and not make costly mistakes. A coach won't do the back flip for a gymnast for them - they are there to spot you and make sure you have to tools to success o your own merits.
Fees are paid by Email Money Transfer (EMT) to dave@lion-and-mouse.com
(under the business name of Hold Our Money Exchange Enterprises Inc.).
The speed the process up, you can fill out an intake form ahead of time here.
Credit Card payments can also be made here.
If you are interested in becoming a joint client with Lion and Mouse, and
click HERE.
Online Filing Clerk - One on One
This is the typical retainer approach. It's a deposit against time used on your file; a $200 credit towards $100/hour work.
Filing for Family Court should all be done online, both into the justice portal to go into your court record, as well into caselines for hearings for the judges and both parties to refer to.
It can be a complicated process and every courthouse has their own approach. The most common frustration is repeated rejections for a filing with a cryptic message that serves to frustrate the user.
We can assist by doing the filing on your behalf with your caseline credentials.
In some cases, like filing a trial record or the initial filing, there will be filing fees imposed by the filing portal itself. Well inform you what those exact filing fees are ahead of time and give you time to pay those fees before filing is completed.
This is not a required service. This is an add-on. You of course are free to do your own filing without our help and rely on us for our other services. It's completely your choice.
$200 Retainer
Full File Treatment
Appropriate for starting, or responding to a new Application, or a Motion to Change.
This is a deposit against time worked. At the end of the issue/appearance you'll be presented with a invoice showing a $2,000 credit against $150 per hour work provided.
You DO NOT have to pay the entire invoice if it goes beyond the deposit. This is a pay-what-you-can-afford ongoing approach. There is a 10% minimum payment on outstanding balances due to keep your file in good standing. This goes against the principal, this is not an interest payment.
Same as above, I am yours until the end of the process no matter how long, or how many hours it takes.
Then Pay-What-You-Can-Afford

Starting (or Responding to) A Motion to Change Client
This is either a per issue to be decided, or a monthly subscription/retainer.
Avoid the "you'll be hearing from my lawyer!" threats by having a neutral, child focused third party hear both of your sides and bring you to the middle ground compromise.
Correspondence getting terse between you two? I can intervene and edit to help smooth things over before that email gets sent.
There are MANY qualified parent coordinators, a few of which are featured in videos below. I encourage you to check out these seasoned professionals first before you decide on Lion and Mouse :).
This is a deposit against time worked. At the end of the issue/appearance you'll be presented with a invoice showing the deposit credit against $150 per hour work provided.
You DO NOT have to pay the entire invoice if it goes above the deposit. PAY ONLY what you can afford and feel what is fair for the work provided. There is a minimum 10% payment due on outstanding balances to keep your file in good standing. This goes against principal, this is not an interest payment.
$250 Per Issue or
$500 per month, minimum 6 months up front
Unlimited DivoreMate Calculations and Forms (add-on)
An add on for those clients that need quick document creation with the Court trusted DivorceMate calculations.
DivorceMate is not a product available to the general public.
This is a one time fee to have the Divorce Mate capability added to your file and doesn't reflect time spent creating the forms.
$200+HST One Time Flat Fee